Millcool M - Soluble Cutting Oil (20L)

Millcool M - Soluble Cutting Oil (20L)


Millcool M - Millers Oils (7823 Series)

A boron and formaldehyd free bio-stable milky white water soluble metalworking fluid designed for use on a wide range of operations and metals.


Use diluted at the appropriate dilution rates as a general purpose metalworking fluid.

Note: Product should be stored under cover. Avoid extremes of temperature and protect from frost.


  • Forms a stable milky emulsion even in waters up to 400ppm CaCO3.
  • Excellent foam control in soft water.
  • Good inhibition against corrosion on a wide range of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
  • This product is boron, formaldehyde, nitrite, phenol and chlorine free providing good operator acceptability whilst still providing excellent emulsion stability.


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